Smoke Weed Inc

Nectar Collector Review – Dab Straw/Honey Straw/Dab Stick

As an avid smoker I am exposed to many different types of smoking devices on a regular basis but even after a couple years, the Nectar Collector still holds its place as one of my all time favorite dab rigs. It is a very unique looking product and is often referred to as a vertical vaporizer. It was love at first hit for me for several reasons. I recently moved from an extremely boring, flat state to one that offers a plethora options of outdoor activities to do on almost a daily basis. This change in environment prompted me to try out the ultra portable dab straw. Living in an active state with bountiful trails has been perfect when combined with concentrates while exploring my new home. The straw is very, light and comes in a box that can easily fit into any backpack or purse to carry along with you, hassle free. Its straight, sleek design allows for effortless cleaning and maintenance.

Nectar Collector Review

My personal favorite way to use the Honey Straw is with a silicone dab container. The container holds your concentrates and the lid is where you place the dab you plan to take.The straw requires very minor and simple assembly before use. Make sure that you take note to complete the step of attaching the clip that comes with the kit onto the titanium nail portion. This part will seriously save you pain, suffering and possibly costly damages. Especially when you are using a brand spanking new nectar collector, there is no resin build up to hold the nail securely within the neck of the straw.For that reason the nail can and will dislodge itself, cold or otherwise, possibly resulting in serious injury. For the mini honey straw it is my honest opinion to skip adding water but to each their own. If you like spilling water a lot, then go for it. The larger one, however works just fine with an appropriate amount of water.

Once you’ve assembled the straw, attached the clip and selected your dab with your tool of choice, next you use a torch to heat the tip of the straw until it is glowing a soft red. Give the straw one or two seconds and then slowly inhale before touching silicone. If you touch the straw to the containers’ lid before inhaling you are certain to lose at least a small amount of vapor.You also want to tilt the straw at an angle when applying to dab, that way the vapor has the ability to go through the opening, up the straw and into your lungs. In my opinion, the Nectar Collector provides one of the quickest, purest, least wasteful dabs and its capable of really eating through a decent sized dab. It really is one of those must have products for stoners.



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