Why do people Smoke Weed?

There are factually thousands of recorded reasons why people have smoked weed in the past and continue to smoke in the present millennia. The reasons range from a need for a spike in creativity to a medicinal need; for example to minimize the pain of arthritis. Here are just a few more examples to answer, “Why do people smoke weed?”

  • Relaxation/Calming Benefits. It acts as a stress reliever for many and can completely change ones mood. It acts as an antidepressant for many.
  • Sedating Benefits. Some use it as their only means of getting a good night’s sleep. It acts as a sleeping pill without all the side effects.
  • Euphoria/Altered Perceptions. For many, marijuana just plain and simple makes life better. Again, acting as an antidepressant.
  • Focus & Concentration. For some pot smokers, using marijuana can improve their ability to concentrate and work for longer than normal lengths of time. It is known to have focusing abilities to help those who suffer from ADD/ADHD. Although further studies are needed to determine scientific legitimacy.
  • Encourages Creativity. People have experienced more creative thoughts and a different way of thinking when smoking. Some of the best music, books, and movies were written with a little help from THC.
  • Alleviates Nausea and Encourages The Appetite. Cancer patients suffer from debilitating nausea following their chemotherapy treatments and after being unable to eat, many finally found relief after using marijuana. Marijuana gives them the ability to have some quality of life while they battle the disease.
  • Decreases Pain. Marijuana has been proven to decrease pain for users allowing them to function more normally. It has helped many quit using pain killers and completely rely on the pain relieving benefits of cannabis.


As many states continue to legalize the medicinal use of marijuana we will finally be able to learn more about the benefits of weed as more and more studies are released. Maybe, then the pot haters will finally see the error in their ways.