Whether you’re new to smoking or just brushing up on your pot politeness, you can never go wrong by studying some do’s and don’ts of the toke. I present to you, the Manners Guideline for Marijuana Smokers:
The first rule is don’t drop the piece. Whether it is a joint, bong, or bowl it is a huge party fowl to drop the piece.
Packer gets first hit. The person who packs the piece or rolls the joint receives the first hit. The person who provided the weed receives second hit. The rotation continues clockwise.
Don’t slobber on the piece. This one’s a given. Don’t be disgusting! Wipe off the mouth piece when you’re done.
Don’t be mean, leave some green. Whatever you do, don’t blaze the whole bowl for your own selfishness. Just take a slice of pizza not the whole pie.
No camping aka parking on the grass. Stay home Coleman! We don’t need people camping on their turn. Puff, Puff, PASS.
Don’t pass an empty piece. If the piece might be empty, be kind and warn the next person they may win a mouthful of ash.
Don’t pocket someone else’s lighter. Come on, that’s just wrong.
Don’t complain. It is very rude to speak ill of the quality of MJ or the quality of joint roll/bowl pack. Shut up and be grateful.
Check your exhale. Don’t blow your smelly breath and exhale into the direction of others.
Be careful! Be aware of things like hot dab torches, nails, and lighters and don’t burn anyone.
Thank the person who got you high. Always be polite and thank the person who provided the weed.
Follow these simple guidelines and puff, puff, pass with class.