So like many people I like to play games when I smoke. Nothing feels more accomplishing than finally beating that one hard level while high as a kite. Gaming and Cannabis have gone together since the beginning of time. There are few things that can enhance a gaming experience the way a nice smoke sesh can. While gaming can be great, there are so many different ways to get into gaming. It can be overwhelming if you don’t have the latest console or the fastest gaming PC. Well recently I found a site that has many games to play and they are all free. The site is filled with a bunch of different games including many 8-bit retro style games. The site I’m talking about is Plays.org.
Plays.org Free Browser Games
The best part about this website is you don’t need to download anything. All the games are browser based and can be played directly from the website. Currently the site features over 150 games and I have spent hours having fun with many of them. There are a lot of categories so you can filter by types of games you wanna play. While I have found there are some games I didn’t like, most of them are an absolute blast.

I spent hours trying to finesse a big ol’ dude in a prehistoric helicopter down impossible maps in Barbarian Escape. One of the harder games I’ve played on the website, and definitely one of the more enjoyable. I like that each game has a rating system that scores on Design, Difficulty, Replay, and Overall. The scores are usually pretty accurate so they can help me find an easier or more difficult game if I’m looking.
One of my absolute favorite games to play right now is 2 Minutes to Escape. I love the idea of a speed run style game where you can constantly improve your route. 2 Minutes to Escape isn’t very easy off the bat and can take some getting use to. The game itself has very few mechanics, but putting it all together is a challenge. I can’t tell you how many times I need to take a deep breathe and a bong rip just to calm myself before another attempt. Truly a blast to play and I’d like to see more games like that.
The fact that the site currently has over 150 free games is pretty impressive. They are also constantly adding new games which is even more impressive. This website is truly a gem and great for anyone looking to play some free games. You don’t need to download anything, you don’t even need to make an account or register an email. It’s pretty easy to just pop over for a game or two and leave without having spent too much time.
I would says overall this website is good for many gamers. There is a large variety of games that can be enjoyed by all levels of gamer. There are many great games for kids, and plenty of fun games for adults to enjoy as well. I would recommend this website to any of my stoner homies who like retro games especially for the price of no money. Plenty of cool games and more being added constantly. It would be interesting to see global scoreboards for some of the games but that might involve creating an account. Either way I am excited I stumbled across this website and I am looking forward to seeing what games they release in the future. I haven’t even had a chance to check out all of the current games, there are so many!