While you will be able to find a lot of jobs that don’t, there are still many places in Colorado that drug test. Just because marijuana is legal and available for recreational use does not mean employers are okay with it. Even having a medical card will not grant you a pass in most places. There are plenty of large corporations that have locations in many states and have the same drug policies in every state. You can expect that most minimum wage jobs will not drug test. This is common in most states, it is usually not worth their time and many don’t care. There are plenty of jobs in the cannabis industry and many of them pay above minimum wage.
The cannabis industry is growing and there are new jobs created every day. If you’re not looking to work in the cannabis industry, you will find most jobs in Colorado advertise if they drug test and whether or not they make exceptions for medical patients. Asking upfront is not usually smart if they do drug test because that could give you away. There are some ways to get around a drug test including urine substitutes and cleanses. However if you are subject to regular or random drug testing, things could get dodgy.
Do Jobs in Colorado Drug Test?
Yes they still have drug tests for a lot of jobs in Colorado. You may find more leniency in some places and of course the cannabis industry wouldn’t waste the time. Some jobs in the cannabis industry will tell you not to come to work high, but that’s because they don’t want impaired employees. If you are a regular consumer and need to pass a one time drug test, there are plenty of options to get clean or appear clean for the test. Check out this article on cleanses for drug tests for more information. It may be risky to try to get around a test if you are subject to random testing. It might not be worth the risk if you can’t afford to lose your job without notice. You should first look for a job that is okay with cannabis use instead of trying to get around an employers policies.