Best Dab Temp
Low Temp Dab: 350-500°F
It is easier to achieve and maintain this temperature with an electronic nail but there are other ways. Some nails are designed to hold heat for a long time which will allow them to sit at a low temp range for longer. Lower temperatures are ideal for getting the full flavor of your dab. Terpenes have a lower combustion temperature and begin to burn off a lower temps. Low temp dabs have a longer vaporization process so you will need to spend more time inhaling to consume more of your dab. While you are more than likely going to waste your concentrate at lower temps, using a carb cap and practicing long inhales can help you waste less. It can be hard to find the exact best dab temp at lower temperatures, but with practice it can be done.
Medium Temp Dab: 500-710°F
Medium temps seem to be more common for your average dabber. The temperature is easier to achieve and manage, and you won’t waste as much as you would at lower temps. “710” is dabbing’s “420” and spells “OIL” if you flip it upside-down. 710°F is a good benchmark and is one of the best dabbing temps. Most people will keep their dab temps under 710°F because it keeps you clear of the range where you may be exposed to harmful toxicants. If you’re using a dab torch to heat your nail, stop when you see it start to get red hot or sooner. Depending on the material of your nail you may have to wait up to 90 seconds for the proper dab temp. You can use a temperature reader to get the exact temp, or practice will help you determine the right amount of time to wait.
High Temp Dab: 710-900°F
High temp dabs are for consuming large amounts of concentrates quickly. However it is important to note you may be exposed to harmful toxicants at higher dab temps. Portland State University did a study on dabbing and have reported results on Toxicant Formations. Around 750° partial combustion occurs and can release Methacrolein. When over 900°F the dabs release benzene which can be found in the air as well as cigarettes. It is released at a lower rate than cigarettes, but direct consumption of benzene is not good. If you’re looking to get high, stay away from dab temps that are too high. It is better to take a bunch of smaller hits than one big one to save time. Slow down and enjoy your dab at a lower temp and find the best dab temp for you.
Heating a dab nail
There are a few ways to heat up your dab for vaporization. One of the most common methods is a dab pen, they are portable and can provide a nice quality dab. You can get pre-filled cartridges from dispensaries or some that you fill with your own concentrate. Probably the most common way to heat a nail is with a dab torch. Using a dab torch can be a little dangerous so always be safe and careful. The preferred method for regular dabbers is probably the E-Nail. An electronic nail or E-Nail can help you to dab at the exact temperature you’re looking for. Most E-Nails have digital displays and can be set to your desired dabbing temp. They will stay at that temp so you can keep dabbing or adjust to another temperature if you desire. This way you can heat up your nail without overheating or worrying about it cooling off too quickly.