How to Not Smell Like Weed
Hide the Smell of Weed
First of all we need to look at the cause of the smell, and when you need to not smell like weed. If you’re the type of person who likes to get high everyday before work and sometimes during work, there are a few things you may want to consider. You’re going to need something that can store the weed while containing the smell. There are many different types of smell proof containers that can cover up even the dankest of weed smells. If you’re looking for a recommendation, check out our Best Smell Proof Bags for Weed list.
If you’re smoking in a small area like a room or car and you need to contain the smell of the smoke, you may need a sploof. A sploof is basically a smoke filter that allows you to blow the exhale of your weed smoke into something that will filter the smell of the smoke. There are many different ways you can make a homemade sploof with materials found around the house. Sploofs are simple yet effective for filtering the smell of weed while you’re smoking it. You can also find our list of Best Sploofs for Weed Smoke here.
Another way to add to the effectiveness of the sploof is to use a smokeless ashtray. Using a smokeless ashtray is a great way to eliminate a lot of the loose smoke from a joint or blunt and can reduce the smell you create. There are many different styles and designs for smokeless ashtrays but they all have a similar function that allows loose smoke to be filtered. Smokeless ashtrays can help with other smoking devices, but they are best suited for joints, blunts or anything rolled in paper. You can check out our list of Best Smokeless Ashtrays here.
Reduce the Smell of Weed
So when trying to discover how to not smell like weed you need to consider whats causing the smell. Are you smoking several fat blunts per day, or do you love taking huge bong rips? Believe it or not, your smoking method can affect how much you smell like weed. A simple way to reduce or eliminate weed smell is to use edibles or even dabs. While some dabs can have a dank smell, typically the vapor smell doesn’t linger nearly as long as weed smoke. Edibles on the other hand can be very discreet and even consumed in public without other people knowing you’re eating THC.
Another great way to reduce the smell from smoking weed is smaller hits. Using a one hitter is a great way to limit yourself and how much weed you’re burning. A one hitter is as simple as it sounds, its a smaller smoking device that holds enough weed for about one hit. Usually smoking a bowl will leave you with a little bit of lingering smoke from the left over weed burning. A one hitter can help you to take specific size hits and control how much weed smoke you’re going to produce. You can see our list of Best One Hitters for Weed here.
Cover the Smell of Weed
There are many different ways to cover the smell of weed even if you need to do it quickly. I know some people that burn incense or candles during their smoke session and that can do a decent job covering the smell of weed. I have also come across a number of different sprays that do a great job covering the smell of weed. One of my favorite options for air fresheners that does a great job covering weed smell is Ozium. It is basically a very powerful air sanitizer that can quickly get rid of weed smell. You can buy some Ozium here.
If you’re trying to figure out how to not smell like weed and you have some plants growing you may need more than spray. Setting up a ventilation system for your grow can help you to reduce the smell of weed even from healthy flowering plants. I would recommend you consult a professional grower or look into some ventilation systems.
Remember to be smart, know if you’re clothes smell like weed and you need to change something. Sometimes your breathe can smell like you’ve been smoking weed so you can chew some gum or eat something that will eliminate that smell. There are many ways marijuana scents can linger so know when to cover them up.